Effectiveness & Testimonials

Cryoablation has shown promising results in treating early-stage, hormone-sensitive breast cancers. The procedure involves using extreme cold to freeze and destroy cancerous tissues, offering a less invasive alternative to traditional surgeries like lumpectomy or mastectomy.

Cryoablation Improves Patient Satisfaction

Effective & Safe

Cancer control equal to lumpectomy for early stage breast cancer

Physical Well-being

Less pain or tightness and less difficulty with mobility, such as lifting arms.

Sexual Well-being

Greater feelings of sexual attractiveness, sexual confidence, and comfort level during sex

Satisfaction with Breasts

Greater happiness about breast size, how bras fit, and appearance in the mirror clothed or unclothed, as well as how the breasts feel to the touch.

*Compared to lumpectomy, women treated with cryoablation reported significantly greater satisfaction with physical well being, sexual wellness, and breast appearance based on BREAST-Q patient reported-outcomes. (Khan SY et al. The Role of Cryoablation in Breast Cancer Beyond the Oncologic Control: COST and Breast-Q Patient-Reported Outcomes.  Ann Surg Oncol.  2023;30:1029-1037.)

Clinical Effectiveness of Cryoablation

Studies have highlighted the following key findings:

  • Efficacy for Small Tumors: Cryoablation is most effective for tumors 2 cm or smaller. The American College of Surgeons Oncology Group (ACOSOG) Z1072 trial reported a 100% success rate for tumors less than 1 cm and a 92% success rate for tumors up to 2 cm.
  • Long-Term Success: A Japanese clinical trial involving 304 women with stage I invasive ductal carcinomas reported a 0.98% local recurrence rate over six years, demonstrating the long-term effectiveness of cryoablation when combined with anti-estrogen medications and radiation therapy.
  • In April 2024, the 5-year follow-up results of the ICE3 trial were presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Breast Surgeons in Orlando, Florida.  The ICE3 trial is multicenter, single-arm, non-randomized clinical trial that evaluated the role of cryoablation as an alternative to surgery. The trial enrolled 194 women  years of age (median 75 years) with unifocal, clinical stage I, histologic grade 1 or 2, estrogen receptor positive, progesterone receptor positive, HER2/neu negative invasive ductal carcinoma diagnosed by minimally invasive biopsy. The use of anti-estrogen therapy, radiation therapy, and sentinel node biopsy were not mandated by the trial. As such, nearly 80% of ICE3 trial participants utilized endocrine therapy but only 14% received adjuvant radiation therapy and only 8% of participants underwent a sentinel node biopsy. At 5 years of follow-up, there were 7 recurrences of cancer in the same breast yielding a local recurrence free survival rate of 96.7%, which is comparable to lumpectomy clinical trials in women over 60 years of age where radiation therapy was omitted.  The 5-year results will be published soon.

Cryoablation also offers theoretical benefits in stimulating an anti-cancer immune response, although this effect is not yet fully proven in humans. Proteins released from cryoablated tumors may help the immune system recognize and attack remaining cancer cells, potentially providing additional protection against recurrence.

Quick, Minimally Invasive, and Highly Effective.


Effectiveness in killing targeted cancer cells.

< 45min

Average duration of the cryoablation procedure.

1 Day

Typical recovery time before resuming normal activites.

< 3%

Local recurrence rate in patients over a 6-year folow-up.

Real Stories from 
Dr. Holmes’ Patients

I feel the need to personally thank you for all that you did for my daughter.

Having walked this journey with her, I saw how this last encounter with the doctor here in Virginia affected her, causing her so much pain, anxiety, and hopelessness. Then God led her to you. I can’t begin to tell you the relief and peace that she felt once she spoke with you. You not only listened with empathetic ears but affirmed her and calmed her fears, giving her hope which, as you know, is ever so important to the patient’s well-being.

I am ever so grateful for your kindness, expert care, and for taking the time to reassure her, using your skills as a surgeon, and also praying with her and for her. It was also important for her to find a surgeon who did not require the usual treatment methods or radiation and chemo as a prerequisite for treating her. You willingly looked to raise the standard of care and listened to her in a way that no other doctor did.

When you treated her as you did, you also lifted a weight from her dad and me, knowing she was in such competent hands.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

Nancy T.


Thank you so much for taking on my complicated case, and thank you for being the compassionate, kind, caring, amazing physician that you are!  You gave me hope at a very hopeless time in my life and I’ll be forever grateful for that.  I love that you acknowledge that patient care isn’t a one-size-fits-all, and that you see each of us as unique individuals, and that you are open to not traveling only on “the beaten path” of treatment for cancer, as many doctors seem to be.  YOU ARE MY SUPERHERO!  I’ll keep you posted in my progress.  Good Bless you, Dr. Holmes.



Thank you so much for your help in my fight against this cancer by freezing and killing the tumors.  I am thankful everyday for your work and thankful on behalf of all the other women you have and will help and fight for as well.

S. Lee


Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all that you do and have done for your patients. Words cannot adequately convey my profound gratitude and appreciation for your relentless, selflessness,  kindness, and warm-heartedness, especially at my first appointment. I will always remember that.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for allowing myself and countless others to be participants in your clinical trials. Because of your generosity we have received the utmost expertise and cutting-edge technology in breast cancer care.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for mentoring young adults as it relates to medicine and politics. Thank you , thank you, thank you for lending a hand in educating, cultivating and navigating how they see the world. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for being an example of the perfect role model (exuding integrity, humility, and tenacity).

Lastly, I personally thank you, thank you, thank you, for your grace and mercy that you gave to me from the very beginning.  I will never forget your unconditional compassion and concern at our first meeting. I realize now, that although I was doubtful that I had breast cancer, you knew that I did. All the while you agreed to perform the biopsy, so that I would have peace of mind. I am so grateful that you cared for a complete stranger. You are the "Best Doctor," "Best Human Being," that a patient could ever ask for.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your expertise and exquisite gift with the world.  May God Bless You Always.”

D. D.


He treated my daughter who had stage one breast cancer. He put us at ease and calmed our fears, he was the perfect surgeon for our situation.

Sandra K.

Parent of Patient

I have been reluctant to write a review on Dr. Dennis R. Holmes because I knew I would run out of adjectives. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the beginning of November. I had gone for thermography at Safe Body Imaging and was lucky, so lucky, to meet Julie Steele. It was the results from that test that made me ask my internist for an ultrasound. I was floored by the results. Julie came to my rescue. She told me about Dr Holmes and cryoablation. Who ever heard of cryoablation? Even doctors don't know about this amazing technique. I called and spoke to Allison. Don't forget that name because she will be a big help if you decide to do the procedure. A conference call was set up between Dr Holmes, my daughter (an 8 year oncology nurse and now a Nurse Practitioner ) and myself. Dr Holmes has such a gentle nature, patience for a whole myriad of questions and he was able to calm my fears and hesitation. A few minutes after the call ended, my daughter called to say that, in her opinion., Dr Holmes was the best surgeon anyone could have and she totally supported.my decision. The following week I went to California. Even though I had complete trust and faith in Dr Holmes, I was still anxious.The morning of the procedure , I was put into position and promptly fell asleep. An hour later, I awoke and was shocked that everything was finished after Dr Holmes told me all that had transpired.. If I lived in California, I would have been sent home. Instead I was so hungry that I went to lunch, Since I live out of State, Dr Holmes wanted to see me the next day.. I can tell you that I had no side effects. No pain, no discomfort. It is not like surgery. No cutting, no scars etc. Everything looks the same. If you could feel your cancer before, you won't feel it now. You will bless this man for his talent, his humility and his humanity. There is no ego that gets in the way. This will be the best thing you will ever do for yourself with the best surgeon. Don't hesitate.

Barbara G.


He has to be one of the most incredible doctor that I've been blessed to have on my survival team. He's saved my life! I'm a proud 28 yr B C survivor.

Denise R.


I wish I could give Dr. Holmes a 10 thousand-star rating! What a brilliant, compassionate physician he is! I flew to CA last year to be treated with cryoablation by Dr. Holmes. My trust and confidence in him are very well placed, and I am feeling great. He truly offers patient-centered care, which distinguishes him from so many other doctors. His assistant Allison is also exceptional in every regard...knowledgeable, responsive, thorough and kind. They gave me an alternative that changed my life, literally...and I am forever grateful! Thank you Dr. Holmes and Allison!

Donna B.


Dr. Holmes is kind, professional, and has a lot of patience answering every question you might have.

Einat M.


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